After visiting Taj Mahal (Agra), where the temperature was 107° Fahrenheit, suddenly next day dropping to 7° Centigrade in Manali, My body simply couldn`t cope up with extreme difference, I got some bad head ache and cold. I got a little restless, I woke up in the midnight around 12:30 and witnessed a very beautiful view from my Hotel room, I grabbed my Camera and was trying to get few shots but it was just awful, ISO 3600 was very noisy, finally was happy with the results.

Camera Settings,

Aperture : F/2.8
ISO : 400
Focal Length : 5 mm
Exposure Time : 4 seconds
Metering mode : Pattern

Bear in mind the surrounding were misty and chill, I guess around 5°C.
Besided I don`t have a steady hand and I am a amateur Photographer.

Here you go,