There is no need to use external tools like "Boson get pass" or "Cain & Able" to decrypt Type7 Passwords.
Type7 password are only used to mask the password in running-configs rather than having it in plain text.
For Example if you want the know the password for vty lines,
Rack1R1#sh run | b line vty

line vty 0 4
 password 7 14011B050300  ----> this is the Encrypted Type7 Password.

Rack1R1#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Rack1R1(config)#key chain test ------> Create a key chain
Rack1R1(config-keychain)#key 123-----> Give it a name.
Rack1R1(config-keychain-key)#key-string 7 14011B050300 ----> paste the exact type7 password(key-string 7 <Type7 Password>
Rack1R1(config-keychain-key)#exit----> now exit to exec mode......
*Mar  1 00:09:42.743: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Rack1R1#show key chain test
Key-chain test:
    key 123 -- text "vinod" ----> Here is your decrypted Type7 password.
        accept lifetime (always valid) - (always valid) [valid now]
        send lifetime (always valid) - (always valid) [valid now]
Happy Hacking !!!