ATM Frauds

Cash machine crime was the fastest growing form of card fraud in the past year.
Fraudsters target cash machines using skimming devices, which copy card details, and miniature camera devices, which record cardholders' PINs.

Chip and pin cards aim to cut fraud by including a smart chip, which can store more information than the usual magnetic strips, and also by having users verify transactions by keying in a pin number rather than signing a receipt.
France pioneered the technology more than 10 years ago - reportedly cutting fraud by almost 80% as a result.

● Be aware of others around you. If someone is behaving suspiciously or makes you feel uncomfortable choose a different machine.
● If you spot anything unusual about the cash machine, or there are signs of tampering, do not use the machine and report it to the bank immediately.
● Be alert. If someone is crowding or watching you, cancel the transaction and go to another machine.
● Stand close to the cash machine. Always shield the keypad with your spare hand and your body to avoid anyone seeing you enter your PIN.