Disclaimer : I have tried to avoid spoiler and hence I have only justified the reason for my rating. Can't completely avoid the spoilers so I assume you have at least seen the movies once before you read this. This is not a complete review, this is just a brief description why I enjoyed the movie. I am open to debate and detailed review and justification of my rating so please don't rip of your top after reading this.

Please note : I do not follow Harry potter or Twilight ! Just in case to save your disappointment after scrolling down the list.

On what basis I have given the following rating, Movies can be either simple and straight forward or be commercial. Simple and straight forward movies rely on story telling, acting and screenplay. Where as commercial movies rely heavily on visual fx, viral marketing, big cast and so on...So I have either given credit to story else the commercial aspect as simple as that, take it or leave it, I don't care.

10) 2012
Best Visual Fx.

2012 is one of the most anticipated movie in 2009, the movie trailer which shows tsunami surging over the Himalayas has been one of the most viewed movie trailer in you tube. The movie is packed with Special effects and one would surely enjoy if you keep logic aside. Trust me this isn't a documentary about Mayan prophecy or a science journal to have logic, truth and expect to be flawless. Movies are made for entertainment and let keep it that way. I would certainly give credit for realistic visuals and few emotional scenes like the president's final speech which are made very well. "Knowing" is another notable disaster movie you would enjoy if you have liked 2012.

09) Watchmen
Best Costumes and Visuals.

Watchmen is a adaptation of one of the most famous graphic novel. Zack Snyder has done a excellent job with the cast and screenplay. The movie has many characters and each one has a unique significance. It is difficult to provide multiple characters with fair distribution of screen presence and significance. The narrating voice of Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan's charter were awesome. Seamless transition between scenes, amazing background score, realistic visuals & costumes gives supreme experience and could be watched more than once. I do not recommend watching the theatrical release instead buy a copy of Director's cut Bluray version, sip in you drink and you will sure enjoy this movie.

08) Hangover
Best Comedy.

When they woke up in their hotel room they found a hen, a baby and a tiger. Shit how what when where ? is the rest of the movie. A roller coast ride , adventurous and hilarious. This is by far the best comedy movie in 2009. Overall Funny, Mellow & Hilarious.
A must watch.

07) Avatar
Without a Doubt Best Cinematography, Mauro Fiore, Sir you are a Genius.
Stunning Visuals, great concept, nice plot and a decent story and last but not least James Cameron Direction. The film is a hybrid of live action and computer generated graphics. The film was shot in a virtual camera which captures facial expressions from characters and digitally records for animators to use these details. The film explores all dimension of photography, cinematography and re-inventing the 3d cinema experience. The Pandora planet and tiny creatures of the jungle portrait the stunning details of visual fx and graphics which takes the film standards to a new level. Overall Avatar provides a fresh and rejuvenating experience and diverting from regular commercial cinema experience, worth watching the movie(3D Version).

06) Transformers 2 : Revenge of fallen
Best Sound Engineering.
This is a sequel of 2007 movie Transformers, If you haven't watched the first part you don't qualify to criticize this movie. This movie has best sound, it is fair to say only Star Trek could match the quality, not even Avatar, Terminator 4 or GI Joe !!! The sound is very realistic and it is disappointing to hear from many so called critics who only try to find flaw and degrade the movie and never appreciate the hard work. This is a science fiction movie so please do not expect dumb logic. Here is a 5 minute brief video for all the loud mouth n00bes which explains the sound design used in Transformers 2, watch and learn how it is done and then appreciate. 
The Character design is also simple stunning, Mr.Bay has done excellent ground work and  the collaboration with Hasbro resulting in stunning and creative characters. The Last but not least why I liked transformers, the background score amazing and great choice of Bands like Green Day, Linkin Park, The Fray, Nikelback...... Other Bogus reason, Showcase of Weapons used by US army & Megan Fox !. Lastly eagerly looking forward for the sequel, it is supposed to have dynabots !!!

05) Star Trek
Best Plot.

Alternate reality, red matter, black hole, beaming across few thousand aeronautic miles (Energize !!!), you name it Star Trek has got it. Very impressive yet complex plot. I would say this movie has the best plot, amazing background score and stunning visuals.This movie has simply one of the best sound designs and did live up to all the expectation. Michael Giacchino, Sir one and only work "Respect". :)
I would strongly recommend getting a copy of Star Trek theme music and a Bluray copy of the movie if you haven't already. Although it is a full fledged Sci-Fi movies basic human emotions were not left behind, typical example : Spock fails to retrieve his mother when Vulcan is black holed by red matter. A perfect mix of twists makes one sit at the edge of the seat. Overall a Thrilling Sci-Fi experience, JJ Abrams, Sir well done.

04) 500 Days of Summer
Best Story telling and Narration.
Very Simple and Straight forward movie, awesome screenplay, story telling and acting.
Yet another story of Boy meets girl but this one is truly unconventional cinema and that is what makes it stand out of the crowd. The narration and transition between scenes are flawless and the particular scene where the screen split and illustrates the difference between "Reality" and "Expectation" was simple superb. The film explores the deep emotions and it is quite disturbing but enjoyable. Overall the film is disturbing, gentle , tender , mellow dramatic and unconventional. A perfect blend of pain and pleasure. This is not a happy ending neither a anti-climax, and a love story which reflects today's situation And trust me it has the perfect ending... :)
A must watch movie.

03) Inglourious Basterds
Best Directions & Acting.

Authentic WW2 experience, this is not a war movie but a drama. I had high expectation with Brad Pitt character(Lieutenant Aldo Raine) but to the irony I enjoyed Christoph Waltz (Colonel Hans Kanda) and Melanie Laurent's character(Shosanna Dreyfus) more than Brad Pitt. Stunning performance by Melanie Laurent trust me she has acted better than Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side). And for Mr.Waltz's acting is Simple, Elegant and Grace full and truly deserves the Oscar for best supporting actor. The particular scene (Nazi Occupied France) where Col.Hans visits dairy farmers house and interrogates him for hiding Jews when you notice carefully within a split second Mr.Waltz transition his face expression from smiley face to serious, this was simple stunning and only reminds you that you are watching a Quentin Tatantino movie. Another notable scene where Shosanna meets Col.Hans is a perfect movie scene can't be described by mere words and I can't explain how much I enjoyed this scene. True cinematic experience. Overall Great plot, story telling Quentin's direction and difficult to tell who is a better actor (Mr.Waltz or Ms. Melanie).

02) Shelock Holmes
Best Story.

Sherlock Holmes is a perfect blend of Authentic 18th century British experience(Costumes, Lighting & Sets) , the deadly duo Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr, Guy Richie direction & Hand Zimmer composition isn't that enough ? The Discombobulate boxing scene and prediction of Ms.Mary awfully going wrong were the few enjoyable scenes in the movie. The explanation given by holmes how lord black wood successfully becomes a supreme power and later realizes he is only being played by Prof. Moriarty.
It will be very interesting to see the sequel of this movie, eagerly looking forward for it.

01) Up
Spirit of adventure. - Best Animated Feature.

Beautiful Beautiful & Beautiful movie, Explores the endless power of animation. Amazing story telling, animation and Background score. This movie can be enjoyed by all age groups even by a new born infant till 90 year old. Can't explain this movie in mere words you need to simply watch it.
Amazing characters : Doug the dog, Kevin the bird, Russell the wilderness explorer and Carl.
Stunning Animation : I would say this is one of the finest animated movies in last 10 years along with "Finding Nemo", Madagascar 2" and "Shrek".

10 Other Notable Movies worth watching:

The Blind Side
Up in the Air
The Ugly Truth
Law Abiding Citizen
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Terminator Salvation
The Proposal
Public Enemies
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

Most Disappointing movie : 9

Worst Movie of the Year : Bruno

Yours Truly,